地球という存在は人間にとって最も大きな対象物であり、人間の思想を支える最も大きな基盤でもある。これまでも地球上で多くの思想が生まれ、その思想が世界を照らしてきた。その中でも、エマーソンの思想は、大いなる自然と人間の関係性を読み解いた崇高なる言葉に綴られ、現代の人々の心を捉えている。我々は何故思想するのであろう。それは、パスカルが示したように「人間は考える葦」であり、人間という存在が「思考」を生み出し、それを普遍的な「真理」に昇華させていくからである。そして、それらは時と共に磨かれ、「哲学」という領域に到達していく。「思想家 ・哲学者」とは、我々を取り巻く様々な現象を読み解き、その奥に潜む「真理」や「本質」を発見し、次世代に継承していく能力を持つ者である。21世紀は、持続可能な未来を実現するために、「地球と人間」の関係性から発する統合知が求められている。我々は、「地球(GAIA)」の本質に目を向け、「地球視座(Gaia Aspect」を構築していく必要がある。我々の人生は「思考」が生み出す「結果」であり、今こそ、地球的な視座を持った「地球人(Gaiable Humans)」としての新たな挑戦が始まる。
The existence of “GAIA” is the largest object for human beings, and it is also the largest foundation that supports human thought. Until now, many ideas have been born on “GAIA”, and those ideas have illuminated the world. Among them, Emerson's thoughts capture the hearts of people today, spelled out in sublime words that decipher the relationship between nature and humans. why do we think?
This is because, as Pascal pointed out, “Man is a thinking reeds,” and the existence of humans produces “Thoughts,” which are sublimated into universal “Truth.” And they are polished with time and reach the realm of “Philosophy”. A “Philosopher/Thinker” is someone who has the ability to read and understand the various phenomena that surround us, discover the “Truth” and “Essence” hidden in them, and pass them on to the next generation.In the 21st century, in order to realize a sustainable future, integrated knowledge emanating from the relationship between “GAIA and Humans” is required. We need to turn our attention to the essence of the “GAIA” and build a “Gaia Aspect.” Our lives are the “Results” of our “Thoughts.” A new challenge begins as “Gaiable Humans” with a global perspective.

“Thought” is the power that makes mankind happy. The most important thing for humankind is to approach the essence “GAIA”, which exists beautifully in this vast universe, and continue to walk with its great power. Human beings carry out various creative acts, but they not only foster happiness, but also sometimes cause war. We must use our creativity to respect and protect the diverse life forms on earth. We must understand the essence of “GAIA”, connect it to the future, and become the driving force that creates hope and happiness for the next generation. It is my mission as a Philosopher to show the guidelines for that great journey. Humans have the creative power to lead “GAIA” to happiness. The 21st century will be a century of philosophical change to create a civilization that coexists with “GAIA”. Aiming for a “Beautiful Gaia” created by humans and all living things, let us engrave the words of a Philosopher on “GAIA”.

我々は「思考」なしでは生きられない。人類の長い歴史が証明してきたように、戦争や平和の時期を問わず、人間は、「内なる探求」を繰り返し、人間の悲しみを乗り越える希望を生み出してきた。その絶対的な真実を人類は忘れてはならない。今こそ、人類は、地球との対話を通して、地球の本質を探求し、未来に伝える「地球人(Gaiable Humans)」としての歩みを始めなければならない。思想を構築するということは、古代から現代に到るまでの人間のあらゆる行動を直視し、人間としての生きる意味を明らかにしていくことに他ならない。「人間はパンのみに生きるにあらず」というイエスの言葉のように、我々は、地球の一部であり、壮大なる地球が生み出す「思考の統合体」である。今こそ、先人達の偉業を振り返り、地球と共に生きていくための「地球思想」を実践していこう。その時、我々は、豊かな大地の恵みと共に生きる「思想」として、この美しい「地球(GAIA)」と共に存在していくことができるのである。
We cannot live without “thoughts”. As the long history of mankind has proved, regardless of times of war or peace, humans have repeatedly pursued their inner quests and created hopes to overcome their sorrows. Humankind must never forget that absolute truth. Now is the time for mankind to explore the true nature of the earth through dialogue with the earth, and begin to walk as “Gaiable Humans” who will convey it to the future. To construct a thought is nothing but to look squarely at all human behavior from ancient times to the present, and to clarify the meaning of life as a human being. As Jesus said, “ Man cannot live on bread alone,” we are a part of “GAIA,”,a “unified body of thought” created by the magnificent “GAIA”. Now is the time to look back on the great achievements of our predecessors and put into practice the “Gaia Philosophy” to live together with “GAIA”. At that time, we will be able to coexist with this beautiful “GAIA” as a “idea” that lives in harmony with the bountiful blessings of “GAIA”.